Centreville VA Backup Generator Maintenance

Did you know backup generators need maintenance at least twice a year? Unfortunately, many people neglect backup generator maintenance, considering it an unnecessary expense. However, the risk of leaving a backup generator unattended is quite significant as it may fail to generate power during an unexpected power outage. This, in turn, leads to a more substantial loss when compared to the expense of regular maintenance.

As experts, we are often asked about the services we offer during our Centreville, VA, Backup Generator Maintenance. While the issues and fixes might be unique to every backup generator, these are some of the standard tests we conduct during our maintenance visits.

• Visible damage: First, we check for any apparent damage to the external and internal parts of the backup generator. For example, our technicians will inspect frayed wires and dents thoroughly. If there is any damage to the outer body, the parts within it are also checked to ensure they are correctly functioning.

• Cracks and Leaks: Old generator parts may develop cracks due to rusting and overuse. This can lead to leakage of fluids such as fuel, lubricant, or coolant. These leakages waste resources and can be hazardous to the surroundings as well. This is because fuel and lubricants are flammable liquids, posing a considerable risk. Remember that, even if no physical signs of leakage are detected, we check for minor leaks and damaged parts to ensure the issue doesn’t become a significant problem.

• Strange noises: Some noise in the backup generators is normal. However, if the generator makes strange noises such as rattling or sputtering, it may indicate an internal issue. Such noises are caused due to loose parts or increasing friction in the engine. If any such weird noises are detected, contact our technicians for Centreville, VA, Backup Generator Maintenance.

• Battery: It is essential to check the life of the battery as it is the only source of power for the backup generator to start. If the battery is kept on standby for too long, it might discharge on its own. If the batteries are dead, our technicians will recharge or replace them as needed.

• Fuel Life: Backup generator fuel needs to be replaced from time to time. Even if the fuel tank isn’t empty, the remaining fuel may have degraded due to temperature changes. During routine maintenance, our technicians empty and clean up the fuel tank and fill it with fresh fuel so that the generator performs at its optimum level.

Always remember that your backup generator’s life expectancy and performance depend on its maintenance. So, if you want Centreville, VA, Backup Generator Maintenance, please get in touch with Power and Systems Integration through the form on our official website. One of our experts will reach out to you shortly.

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