Do Standby Generators Increase a Property’s Value in McLean, VA?

Most homeowners in McLean, VA never think about a standby generator for their homes until their power goes out and the temperature in the house reaches 95 degrees in the summer or 20 degrees in the winter, no running water, and the food has spoiled in the refrigerator, and the freezer is full of melted products. There is no way to charge the cell phones, and the candles are just about gone.

When homeowners invest money in their homes in McLean, VA, they usually go with an investment that will increase the value of their homes. With that taken into consideration, if you are wondering will standby generators increase a property’s value, the answer is yes. It might not be the best investment if you are looking to make a significant return on the purchase and the installation of a new standby generator for your McLean, VA home. But it will undoubtedly give you peace of mind.

Purchasing standby generators for homes in McLean, VA will bring higher returns to homeowner’s investments depending on these factors—

  • Home’s location—if you live in an area where there are frequent storms along with recurrent power outages, new home buyers are more apt to pay for the peace of mind that a standby generator can give them. On the flip side, if you don’t have that many damaging storms, then your investment won’t bring as much of a return.
  • How often you lose power—If you are in an area in McLean, VA with overhead lines, you are more likely to experience power loss than with underground lines. Maybe you experience frequent outages even when there is no storm. If this is the case, a standby generator is a must. Even with underground lines connected to a strong grid, you may still experience power outages at different times. For a home buyer, this would qualify as a “nice to have” but not a necessity.

Where ever your McLean, VA home falls on a scale of power outages, you may or may not recoup investing in a standby generator. But if you have ever been left in the dark for days on end, or maybe even weeks, just one time is enough to want to have peace of mind knowing that your life will continue as usual—no significant disruption for your household in McLean, VA.

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