Sterling VA Backup Generator Maintenance

In a commercial or domestic setup, backup generators save your work during unforeseen power cuts. In other words, a backup generator keeps the workflow uninterrupted during important times. Still, these crucial tools are often overlooked when it comes to maintenance.

Most backup generator owners aren’t regular with generator maintenance simply because the equipment isn’t used daily. However, this can pose problems when you require a backup generator to work on an immediate basis when an unexpected power outage happens. To avoid such a last-minute crisis, we recommend you to regularly keep up with Sterling, VA, Backup Generator Maintenance.

Additionally, we detect and fix several issues during regular backup generator maintenance checkups. Though a generator looks externally fine, it might have internal problems that professionals can only detect. Some of the common issues we detect are:

• Moisture and mold: If backup generators aren’t used regularly, they don’t heat up often and are prone to moisture problems. During cold weather, water may condense in the internal parts, and the lack of heat can trap this moisture. This causes rusting of internal parts and promotes mold growth. Moreover, water can mix with fuel, reducing the overall efficiency of the backup generator.

• Fuel deterioration: Though generator fuel has a certain life expectancy, it starts to undergo a chemical change from day one of putting it in the fuel tank. If the fuel isn’t changed at least twice a year, your generator may not function properly.

• Low Coolant Levels: As the backup generator generates power, it heats up to high temperatures. A coolant is required to absorb the heat so that the temperature doesn’t damage any internal parts. If the coolant levels are low, the generator might suffer heat-related problems. This might also be hazardous to the surroundings.

• Low Lubricant Levels: Just like coolant, lubricant is another essential fluid for the backup generator’s proper functioning. Lubricant or oil ensures that all parts function with minimum friction, preventing them from wearing off. If lubricant levels are low, the backup generator parts might be damaged due to friction. This can also make the generator noisy.

• Leakage: Sometimes, backup generators can leak fuel or coolant, which can be hazardous. If you notice any wetness or puddles around the backup generator, reach out to a professional for Sterling, VA, Backup Generator Maintenance.

During maintenance, our technicians replace worn-off parts such as spark plugs and engine belts. They also check for any physical damage such as burnt or cut wires. Lastly, they simulate a power outage and run the backup generator to demonstrate its proper functioning.

If you are looking for a Sterling, VA, Backup Generator Maintenance, fill out the contact form on our website. An expert from our company will contact you soon.

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